Multi-D Musings Blog
Motorcycle Adventure: History, Dinosaur Tracks, Your Imprints
In the serenity of nature, I find a profound sense of peace and interconnectedness that often eludes us in our bustling, modern lives. To me, nature acts as a gateway to our souls, reminding us of our place in the world and igniting a sense of wonder. These moments, immersed in the breathtaking beauty of the outdoors, allow us to nourish our souls and seek solace in the embrace of the natural world. Keep reading, as I recount my recent adventure, not through a hike, but a short motorcycle ride…
Resilience in the Face of Doubt: Lessons from Three Male Antelope
In life, we often encounter symbols and messages that hold deeper meanings for our spiritual growth. At the time of this writing, I was experiencing a “wobble” the contraction that comes after a time of expansion. I had an amazing week last week, but it also marked the one-year anniversary of losing my father. I was blessed to be with my father in consciousness at the time of his crossing, but it doesn’t make the grief any less.
This week I wobbled because someone questioned my work in the “s…
An Accountability Worksheet: Five Steps to Reduce Overwhelm and Move Forward
Like many of you reading this, I work in a fast-paced environment. I also work remotely. During a web meeting today, a colleague shared how overwhelmed she was trying to meet an unreachable deadline, eventually breaking down into tears. As professionals, we place real value on what we produce, and too many tasks and deadlines may result in less than desirable output.
I love my job and the flexibility it can afford. But I empathize with my colleague's situation. In the past, I’ve found myself …
Ten Signs You May be Ready To Leave the Old Ways in the Dust
- You know you are much bigger than this physical reality.
- You want to bring positive change to the world
- You are aware of your “gut feelings”
- You love being of service to others; it brings you pure joy. But you may also be very sensitive to the energies of others and can become overwhelmed by them.
- You are a problem solver, always looking for a solution
- You are creative and can manifest easily when you want to
- You have had a sense of being an outcast for most of your life. You a…
October Morning Message
I step out onto my deck on this early October morning, and a cloudy sky and the cool air greet me. Suddenly a rainbow appears in front of me—a beautiful way to start this day. In the distance, I can hear an elk bugling. I was recently asked for examples of what 5D earth would "look like." The answers come in through nature and the wisdom panel. I am curious, is there a deeper meaning to this morning’s observances?
This morning, two reasons come to mind as to why they are bugling. To seek the…